Deep thinking through practices of interpretation.


Dr. Shively Smith - Theology Social Proof


Since the age of 16, I've been a student of the bible and other sacred texts. Dedicated to the life of the mind and journey of the spirit, I go about my work as a scholar and teacher of biblical texts and histories with hopes of making a difference in the world that speaks informed, courageous, and spirit-filled truth.  

I'm proud to have studied and collaborated with some of the most committed and educated scholars, teachers, and preachers in theological education, the Church universal, other religious traditions, and beyond. Each day, I aim to grow in my understanding and faith to create bridges for people from different walks of life to talk to each other. 



Exploring the head, heart, and hand of interpretation

Engage in deep thinking through innovative practices of interpretation with Dr. Shively T. J. Smith, exploring the depths of biblical scholarship and beyond.


Images of Interpretation is a visual journey of consideration, contemplation, and interpretation curated by Dr. Shively T. J. Smith

Explore curated book recommendations by Dr. Smith, enhancing your understanding of biblical literature and related topics with insightful reads.


A carefully curated list of books Dr. Smith reads and recommends you add to your own. Read with Dr. Smith!


  • Kind Words

    “Dr. Smith is passionate, intellectual, and real. Her teaching pulls you and keeps you engaged. She pushes you to unpack the text and find the application to modern everyday life. She operates in excellence and doesn't dumb down any of what she teaches. She has a way of being able to bring you to her level by walking you through using various teaching methods and tools to engage you every step of the way. “

    - Judge (Michigan)

  • kind words

    “Dr. Shively has brought a whole new meaning, connectivity, and understanding of “meditation” to my life. Through her creative ability and religious teachings, Dr. Shively has taken concrete life examples and aligned them ever so well with the great works of spiritual leaders like Howard Thurman. I have become a reader of Thurman’s work and write meditations. “

    - Lay Leader (Washington, DC)

  • kind words

    “I have been influenced by the precision of her delivery. She has been a great role model in scripture interpretation and listening to scripture.”

    - Community Organizer and University Program Coordinator (Michigan)


oin Dr. Smith in dynamic speaking engagements, where she shares her expertise in biblical interpretation, educational innovation, and interreligious dialogue.


We must develop our capacities and commitments to learn from each other and to affirm the human dignity we each are entitled to as God's creation. I come alive when I am learning with others and the Bible is my way of entering that learning and conversation space. I hope you join me sometime in that journey be it in my writing and scholarship, or in my workshops or preaching, or perhaps in my university classroom or just online. Let us learn and grow together faithfully.